Be part of a SoulCollage® Community

" We recognize that for human life to thrive, it is best lived in a community that is supportive and compassionate, a community that is able to listen and to understand and tolerate many points of view, a community that is creative and imaginative, a community where masculine and feminine energies are valued equally even though they offer different gifts, a community where an underlying spirituality recognizes the life-sustaining flow of spirit within all creation. These are the elements that I know are central to SoulCollage® and that I think are also essential in this dawning paradigm."
Senna. B. Frost

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I am available for private SoulCollage gatherings

Please email for more information

Create a Vision/ Dream Board

Do you believe in the power of images?
Do you see the connection between your intentions and manifestations?
If so this may be for you:
*Get a private consultations where you can receive guidance on how to make your dream board. 
* After you make your board we will meet again and apply Feng Shui to your Vision Board.
You will  learn how to continue work with your board!

email me

Start your SoulCollage® Journey

Intrigued by SoulCollage® and do not know how to start? 
* Get a private consultation to get you started on this creative process. 
* Follow up consultations will be targeted to your needs.
*Receive handouts to keep exploring your SoulCollage® Journey

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